Sunday, March 29, 2015

Podcasting in Education

In this post, I want to talk about the importance of podcasting in the classroom. Before I watched the tutorials about podcasting, I had no idea that it could be so beneficial. I believe this is important for educators and students equally. The podcast that I watched was from Ted Talks. Just watching Mrs. Rita Pierson talk about how students deserve a champion, an adult that will never give up on them, was inspiring to me. I think it is important for teachers to watch some of these talks from time to time to stay motivated and make sure they are delivering their best to their students. It can also be great for students to watch because there are kid-friendly videos that students can watch and learn from. Some kids are visual and auditory learners so they would understand more from a podcast than from a textbook lecture.

Some tools that I used to complete this podcasting assignment were AudioBoom and an app on my iPad, that is through iTunes, called Podcasts.

  • Podcasts (iTunes): This is a great tool because all you have to do is search a topic and it brings up anything with the key words in it. I searched for Education and it brought up all kinds of things that I could listen to. This is also great for iPhones or iPads because you can download it straight to your device and watch it like a video. It also organizes all of your downloads into one spot called "Downloads". You can also share the podcasts that you find or project your iPad onto the screen and let the kids watch it. In the podcasts app, it also gives you a little description about the podcast before you watch it so that you will know if it is of interest to you.
  • AudioBoom: This tool allows you to record anything you want to say. This is different than recording a video or using a tape recorder for a couple of reasons. This is a great tool because it simply records your voice; you do not have to show your face. AudioBoom is different than a tape recorder because you can trim your recording. What I mean by this is that you can take bits and pieces of your audio out. If you make a mistake and record something wrong you can delete a certain part of the audio. This differs from a tape recorder because if you mess up on that, you have to delete the entire thing and start over. What makes AudioBoom unique is the ability to re-do parts of the recording but not have to completely start over if you mess up. Also, another great feature is that the audio is super clear. It is not fuzzy at all!
 I used these two tools together to create my podcast by first using iTunes to search for an applicable podcast to watch. While watching this, I made sure to take notes about key things that Mrs. Pierson was talking about. Then, I went to AudioBoom and started to record the summary, and two examples of important things she talked about. It was crucial that I took notes because I was able to have a more organized train of thought when I went to record myself. After I used AudioBoom to record myself, I then uploaded my recording to my profile on the website.

In my podcast, you will hear a review of the Ted Talks video that I watched; "Every Child Deserves a Champion" by Rita Pierson. I first summarized the talk in its entirety. I then talked about two examples she spoke about that I found to be important and that were crucial to her talk. I finished the podcast by talking about how she tied the title into the end of her talk. I concluded with the exact words that she said.

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