The tool that I have selected to use in my classroom is called NoRedInk. This was appealing to me because I love the idea of kids being able to take practice quizzes in order to see what they are doing well with and some of the things that they struggle with. Basically, when you sign up to use this site, you are able to set up assignments for your kids to do. There is also a number that students have to enter on their end to access the classroom assignments. Most of the assignments that you can create are grammar/reading based. Another great feature of this tool is that the questions are already generated based on the curriculum in your selected country. As a teacher, this is helpful because you know that your students are having access to the content that is required, and also it saves you time from having to come up with your own questions to ask them! If you click here, you can watch a 5 minute video explaining how to use this tool.
In the screenshot above, one of the helpful features about this tool is the ability to create an assignment, quiz, or pretest and customize it without having to create all of your own questions. What this means is that if I were to create an assignment as the picture is showing, I can give it a name, choose how many questions are on it, decide the total amount of points it will be worth, assign a due date, and tell when the students can start it. Another awesome feature that this screenshot is showing is located in the drop down bar where it says the word "noun" I am able to select any part of speech that I want my kids to have extra practice with. Then, I could select all of the different types of noun activities that go with it, or focus on a specific one. Also, if you upgrade your membership, you can have access to more of the activities. This feature is amazing because it allows the teacher to choose what material is right for their class without having to take more time out of their life to create it themselves.
By using this tool, teachers can save a lot of time and energy when they want to quiz their students. If there is a way to have common core curriculum questions already in the questions, this would prevent teachers from having to research it and then add it themselves. This website also features an extremely user-friendly way to create quizzes, assignments, and pretests. I had no trouble at all trying to create my practice quiz. Students are also able to log on at any time and access their teacher's classroom. From there, they can complete any of the materials their teacher has assigned. This can be done at home or at school which is very beneficial for everyone! If you are looking for an easy way to test your students either for a grade or just for extra practice, NoRedInk is the way to go!